Info Requests streamline data gathering like never before!

"SideDrawer is part of our daily business, starting every new engagement with an info request. This comforts them about the security of their data."


Frank Gasper

"The SideDrawer information request tool is a game-changer."


Kayla Munro

"When we’re taking a deep dive on financing planning and need a massive data grab with a lot of personal information, Info Requests are the best way to do it. Hands down."


Tucker Mooney

"The way we structured the Info Requests, we’ve been able to collect a lot more information now because it’s efficient and convenient for the client."


Tucker Mooney


Forms and files combined

Info Requests are the most unique forms - that allow users to input data and also upload files, that auto-organize using SideDrawer's guided-organization. 



Easy form builder with file requests

Use or modify any existing templates, or create completely new Info Requests that combine user-friendly form capture fields and organized file requests. 


Videos enhance engagement

Videos can provide education, guidance, instruction and information - giving confidence and clarity to your users who you're collecting information from. 

Use any video platform offering embeddable links, or the award-winning videos curated for financial advisors by HeyAdvisor!



Video enhances engament

Trigger at the right moment

Using Zapier or other workflows, Info Requests can be sent at the right moment in the client journey - during discovery, prospecting, onboarding, ongoing engagement, or as needed.



More compliant data gathering

Given all activity takes place within the SideDrawer, existing compliance, ops, and other teams can always access form data in real-time as it's being completed. 



Connect your tools and work smarter

Use any of our custom integrations, or integrate with 6,000+ apps through Zapier to help you work seamlessly, reducing admin work and focusing on things that matter. 


Each item is an API endpoint

Within each Info Request, the data field or file request is a unique API endpoint, that can trigger its own web hook, or be used to populate data from another source.


For example, generating pre-filled forms from multiple other systems can be achieved seamlessly.



Enterprises can leverage their own systems

For many Enterprises, legacy software or unintegrated business-critical software can be integrated with SideDrawer's Info Requests to streamline the data and/or file collection process from external users.


Start with SideDrawer!

Get started right away!
  • Free trial for 14 days. 
  • Start inviting Collaborators - it's free!
  • Get your own Branding and Custom URL!

Want to learn more? 

Schedule a Live 1-on-1 or watch a pre-recorded sales demo!
  • Schedule at  your own convenience!
  • Watch a 10 minute interactive demo!
  • We can answer any questions you may have!